Ankylose – Fusion or to fuse.[1]
Ankylosing Spondylitis – Is a type of arthritis that affects the spine. It can cause pain, stiffness, and inflammation from the neck to the lower back.[2]
Bamboo Spine – In advanced stages of Ankylosing Spondylitis, the vertebrae of the spine fuse together to form a long bony structure, commonly referred to as ‘Bamboo Spine’.[3]
Biologics – Are genetically engineered proteins that are manufactured within the living system and target specific molecules involved in autoimmune diseases like Ankylosing Spondylitis.[4]
Fatigue – A feeling of weariness that’s more extreme than simple tiredness. It can affect you physically, but it can also affect your concentration and motivation, and often comes on for no apparent reason and without warning.[5]
Flare-ups – Periods where your joints become inflamed and painful, sometimes known as flares.[5]
HLA-B27 (human leukocyte antigen B27) – A gene that’s often present in people who have conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis or psoriatic arthritis. It’s also present in many healthy people.[5]
Inflammation – A normal reaction to injury or infection of living tissues. The flow of blood increases, resulting in heat and redness in the affected tissues, and fluid and cells leak into the tissue, causing swelling.[5]
Lumbar spine – The lower part of the spine, made up of five vertebrae (bones) in the part of the back between the lowest ribs and the top of the pelvis.[5]
Pelvis – A basin shaped bone structure that connects the trunk and the legs, supports and balances the trunk and contains the internal organs like intestines.[6]
Physiotherapy – A therapy given by a trained specialist, called a Physiotherapist, that helps to keep your joints and muscles moving, helps ease pain and keeps you mobile.[5]
Rheumatologist – A specialist with an interest in autoimmune diseases and diseases of joints, bones and muscles.[5]
Sacroiliac joints – A pair of rigid joints on either side of the pelvis, where the large triangular bone at the base of the spine (sacrum) meets the hip bones (ilia). Ankylosing spondylitis can lead to inflammation in the sacroiliac joints (sacroiliitis).[5]
Spondylitis – Inflammation of the backbone.[7]
Spinal Fusion – May be a consequence of Ankylosing Spondylitis when the vertebrae in the spine fuse or merge together resulting in stiffness.[2]
Tendon – A strong, fibrous band or cord that anchors muscle to bone.[5]
Vertebra (plural vertebrae) – Small bones that make up the spinal column.[5]
Ask your Rheumatologist for biologics that slow down spinal fusion.
- Medical definition of Ankylosis. Available [Online] at: on 4th Oct 2019
- Ankylosing Spondylitis. Web MD. Available [Online] at: on 7th Oct 2019
- Sieper J, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2002;61(Suppl III):iii8–iii18
- Biologic Therapy. NAAS. Available [Online] at: on 7th Oct 2019
- Ankylosing spondylitis and related conditions. Available [Online] at URL:[1].pdfAccessed on 4th Oct 2019
- Available [Online] at: on 7th Oct 2019
- Medical definition of Spondylitis. Available [Online] at: on 4th Oct 2019
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